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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Cheat PB~ Point Blank Full Hacked 21 Januari 2014

Chetchitchot Point Blank Indo FULL Hacked WallHack, Auto Hedshot/Auto HS, Anti Banned, Hack Skill, EXP potto, Pangkat CitCheat PB Full Kill Ganass Anti GM Banned, Anti VK 21 Januari 2014.

Cheat PB~ Point Blank Full Hacked 21 Januari 2014

Download Cheat : Click Here
Cheat PB Terbaru 21 Januari 2014 Full Hacked


* Clean WH
* Chams WH
* No fog
* No smoke
* Corsshair
* Speed Lari
* Skill CT Inside Bintang 5
* Skill Tero Inside Bintang 5
* pasang Bom 1 hit
* Defuse bom 1 Hit
* Visible Time Kill
* AIm Mode
* Unlimited ammo[Termasuk smoke,bom,RPG]
* Respawn RID mode
* Bug datar
* Bug Vertikal
* Piso Maskkil + Dino cakar BRUST
* Set Kill Damage

ESP hack
* Box
* Name
* Darah
* Distance
* Line
* Clan

Weapon Hack
* Pistol
* Piso
* Bom
* ASap
* Vset
* baret

Fitur Auto ON
* Anti program Sempakkers
* Anti Frezze sempaker
* Lossing Hack PI
* Charackter Inside Cash Mode (hanya RoomMaster)

Penggunaan Cheat :
1. Buka PB kamu,,
2. Buka Che*t,,
3. Start PB
4. Keluar tulisan/notice di klik ok ok saja

Petunjuk :
1. Cara Penggunaan fitur AMMo,RID,HS recoil,Bug = On kan saat di pertandingan pastinya,,,
2. Cara Boom Unlimited Max = 3x keluar lebih cek sendiri effecknya
3. asap juga sama
4. RPG = 2x ja
5. Charackter Inside = automode On | JUST ROOM MASTER
6. Bintang 5 Inside Skill = Effect Skill nya bintang 5 >> Skill tero&CT
7. Bugger = On kan dlu yg horizontal/vertikal,, klo q biasanya 2,2nya,,
8. lalu kalau mau bug ke bawah tekan numpad 2 , ke atas numpad 8 , kekanan numpad 6 dst

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